  • 02 May 2024
  • 1 Хвилина на читання
  • Темно
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  • Темно
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Maxilla Stage

Acquire a 3D image of the maxilla.

Mandible Stage

Acquire a 3D image of the mandible.

Additional Tools in Maxilla/Mandible Stage

Please refer to Scan Stage Tools for more information about using tools at the bottom of the screen.

Impression Scan
Acquire impression data and align it with intraoral scan data in real time.
* Refer to Case and Workflow Examples > Impression Scan for a detailed description of how to use the tool.
Abutment Library Matching
Manage custom abutment libraries.
This library data is aligned automatically with the scan data, minimizing the need to scan difficult-to-reach areas.
The library data can be shared for further processes, such as design.
* Refer to Case and Workflow Examples > Abutment Library Matching for a detailed description of how to use the tool.
Preparation Review
Check the prepared tooth data with insertion path and distance measurements.
* Refer to Case and Workflow Examples > Preparation Review for a detailed description of how to use the tool.

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