View Options
  • 06 Dec 2023
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View Options

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Article summary

You can change the View Options to customize the layouts of the case list in the Patient/Case Box/Work Box/In Box/Order Box.

Status Filters

Show or hide each filter representing the status of the case. The hidden status filters are not displayed on the screen in the Case Box/Work Box/In Box/Order Box.

You can easily find the case you need with status filters.

  • You can click the status you want to view to display only cases in that state.
  • You can select multiple statuses at a time.

For each box, the following filtering options are available:

Status Filters
Case BoxAll / Form Only / Need Processing / Scan Completed / CAD / Ordered / Case Completed
Order BoxAll / Pending / Canceled / Rejected / Accepted / Shipped / Case Completed
In BoxAll / Pending / Canceled / Rejected / Accepted / Ready / Shipped / Case Completed
Work BoxAll / Form Only / Need Processing / Scan Completed / CAD / Done

Table Items

Select the items to display in the case list in the Patient/Case Box/Work Box/In Box/Order Box. You can change the order of table items or adjust the table column width in the list view to best optimize for the user environment.

For each box, the following table items are available:

BoxTable Items
PatientPatient Name / Patient ID / Gender / Number of Cases / Registration Date / Date of Birth
Case BoxStatus / Case Name / Date of Birth / Form Information / Last Modified Date / Scanned Date / Order Date / Lab Name
Order BoxStatus / Case Name / Patient Name / Scanned Date / Order Date / Lab Name / Requested Delivery Date / Last Modified Date
In BoxStatus / Case Name / Order Date / Requested Delivery Date / Last Modified Date / Clinic Name
Work BoxStatus / Case Name / Patient Name / Form Information / Last Modified Date / Requested Delivery Date / Scanned Date / Clinic Name / Order Date

View Type

Change the view type between the Gallery View and List View on the Case Box.

For each box, the following view type options are available:

BoxView Type Options
PatientList View
Case BoxList View / Gallery View
Order BoxList View
In BoxList View
Work BoxList View


Select a grouping option to classify and rearrange cases in the list by the selected option.

For each box, the following grouping options are available:

BoxGrouping Options
Case BoxNone / Patient Name / Scanned Date / Order Date
Order BoxNone / Scanned Date / Order Date / Requested Delivery Date
In BoxNone / Order Date / Requested Delivery Date
Work BoxNone / Requested Delivery Date
The grouping options are unavailable in the Patient, Case Talk, and Trash Box.


Select a sorting option to change the order of cases in the list according to the selected option.

For each box, the following sorting options are available:

BoxGroupingSorting Options
Patient Name / Patient ID / Date of Birth / Registration Date / Number of Cases
Case BoxNonePatient Name / Last Modified Date / Scanned Date/ Order Date / Lab Name
Patient NameLast Modified Date / Scanned Date / Order Date / Lab Name
Scan DatePatient Name / Last Modified Date / Order Date / Lab Name
Order DatePatient Name / Last Modified Date / Scanned Date / Lab Name
Order BoxNonePatient Name / Scanned Date / Order Date/ Requested Delivery Date / Lab Name
Scan DatePatient Name / Order Date / Requested Delivery Date / Lab Name
Order DatePatient Name / Scanned Date / Requested Delivery Date / Lab Name
Requested Delivery DatePatient Name / Scanned Date / Order Date / Lab Name
In BoxNonePatient Name / Order Date / Requested Delivery Date / Clinic Name
Order DatePatient Name / Scanned Date / Requested Delivery Date / Clinic Name
Requested Delivery DatePatient Name / Order Date / Clinic Name
Work BoxNonePatient Name / Last Modified Date / Requested Delivery Date / Clinic Name
Requested Delivery DatePatient Name / Last Modified Date / Clinic Name
The sorting options are unavailable in the Case Talk and Trash Box.

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