User Interface
  • 27 Jun 2024
  • 2 Хвилина на читання
  • Темно
  • PDF

User Interface

  • Темно
  • PDF

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User Interface at a Glanceui_at_a_glance(1)

ATitle Bar
BInfo Box
CAction Control Buttons
E3D Data
GScenario List
HSide Toolbar

Title Bar

The Title Bar is the ribbon at the top of the application window that contains basic controls on the right and the program menu on the left. It also shows the app name.

title_bar_1MenuAccess the available settings and assistance resources (user guide, tutorial page, help center), and check the details about the app.
title_bar_ 2Help CenterGo to the Medit Help Center page dedicated to this app.
title_bar_ 4Start/Stop Video RecordingStart and stop the video recording of the screen.
title_bar_ 5ScreenshotTake a screenshot. Capture the app with or without the title bar using automatic selection, or click and drag to capture only the desired area.
title_bar_ 6Screenshot ManagerView, export, or delete the screenshots. Upon completion, all captured images will be saved to the case automatically.
title_bar_ 7MinimizeMinimize the application window.
title_bar_ 8RestoreMaximize or restore the application window.
title_bar_ 9ExitClose the application.

Action Control Buttons

There are two buttons for action control in the bottom left corner of the application window.

action_control_buttons_1UndoUndo the previous action.
action_control_buttons_2RedoRedo the previous action.

Side Toolbar

The Side Toolbar provides data visualization and control tools that can be used across the entire process of working on simulations.

frontal_viewFrontal ViewShow the front side of the data.
right_lateral_viewRight Lateral ViewShow the right lateral side of the data.
left_lateral_viewLeft Lateral ViewShow the left lateral side of the data.
maxilla_viewMaxilla ViewShow the occlusal surface of the maxilla.
mandible_viewMandible ViewShow the occlusal surface of the mandible.
occlusal_surface_viewOcclusal Surface ViewShow occlusal surfaces of the maxilla and mandible.
how_hide_reference_dataShow/Hide Reference DataShow or hide such reference data as midline, arch line, and face data.
scenario_comparison_modeScenario Comparison ModeSee the selected scenario or all scenarios in comparison to the original model.
side_toolbar_9Grid SettingsShow or hide the grid, and control its position in relation to the model (overlay on/off).
side_toolbar_8RotateRotate data by click-and-drag.
model_display_modeModel Display ModeChange the model display mode between the original color display mode and the study model display mode.
lower_jaw_movementLower Jaw Movement On/OffWhen on, this shows the lower jaw movement together with teeth.


Toolboxes provide features necessary for working in the corresponding stage. Below are the explanations for the features provided in each Toolbox across the entire app.

Data Alignment

align_by_3_pointsAlign by 3 PointsSet three points on the arch to align it with the occlusal plane.
align_by_4_pointsAlign by 4 PointsSet four points on the arch to align it with the occlusal plane.
delete_pointDelete PointDelete the last added point.
detach_data(1)Detach DataReset alignment and move data to the initial position. Select points on the data to align it manually.
multi-viewMulti-ViewWhen on, this function shows data from four different angles.

Simulation Preview

teeth_movements_dataTeeth Movements DataCheck the values of the teeth movements after simulation.
sculptingSculptingSculpt data using tools to add, remove, morph, or smooth its parts.

Advanced Adjustments

teeth_movements_dataTeeth Movements DataCheck the values of the teeth movements after simulation.
preview_iprPreview IPRSet the tooth removal amount (mm) and preview the results.
adjust_guide_linesAdjust Guide LinesModify the existing guide lines on the model.
align_to_guide_linesAlign to Guide LinesUpdate the model according to the adjusted guide lines.
deselect_allDeselect AllRemove all selections.
Selected SimulationSee the animated movement for the selected teeth.
showhide_occlusal_intersectionShow/Hide Occlusal IntersectionTurn on to examine the occlusal contact between arches.
occlusion_multiviewOcclusion Multi-ViewAdjust the position of each tooth while referencing the changes in the occlusion intersection on the right.
switch_deviation_display_areaSwitch Deviation Display AreaSwitch deviation display scale between all data and contact area only.
export_to_medit_linkExport to Medit LinkExport the current scenario at this stage of progress.

Animation View

delete_all_pinsDelete All PinsDelete all pins.
Split Animation into StepsSplit the animation into a number of even steps.
export_to_medit_linkExport to Medit LinkExport the current scenario at this stage of progress.

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