Model Settings
- 13 Jun 2024
- 1 Хвилина на читання
- Друк
- ТемноСвітло
Model Settings
- Оновлено 13 Jun 2024
- 1 Хвилина на читання
- Друк
- ТемноСвітло
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In this stage, users must adjust the orientation of the arches by defining midline points on both the maxilla and mandible.
Returning to this stage to make changes after generating simulations will reset your work progress.
1. Set the midline on both arches by dragging the green points; place them between the two central incisors.
2. Before proceeding to the next stage, check your scans for any excessive gum data (anything past the mucogingival junction). This will ensure smoother work of the program in the following stages.
If any is present, the unnecessary soft tissue data can be removed using the "Polyline Trimming" tool provided on the right. Click and drag (or click in several spots) to select the area, then right-click to delete it. Click the tool icon again to exit the tool.
3. When done, click "Confirm" in the bottom right corner.
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