Case Talk
  • 12 Jun 2024
  • 4 Хвилина на читання
  • Темно
  • PDF

Case Talk

  • Темно
  • PDF

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Cases created in the Medit Link can be shared with specific people you specify, anyone with the shared link or registered members of Medit Link.

The user can see a list of all shared cases through "Case Talk" in Medit Link App and Medit Link Web.

Shared cases can be viewed via a web browser without installing a separate program, enabling easy communication over the 3D data on various devices.

Creating a Case Talk

You can create a shared link to a case that was created in Case Box/Work Box.

  1. Find a case you want to share and click the "Share" button on the right.
  2. Select the files you want to share.
  3.  Set the sharing permission type and sharing options.
  4.  Click "Get Link" to create a shared link.

Setting the sharing permission type and sharing options

Share With
  • Share with anyone
    Creates a shared link. You can share the files with anyone. 
  • Share with specific people
    Creates and sends a shared link to specific people.
Share via

If you select "Share with specific people," you can share the link with specific people in various ways.

  • Email Address
  • SMS
  • Partners
Expiration DateSet the expiration date for the link. After the link expires, the people you shared it with will no longer have access to files. You can extend the expiration period up to 90 days from today.
PIN CodeSet a 6-digit access code to ensure data security.
Share the patient's nameIf you check this option, all people with the link will see the patient's name.
Grant Download PermissionIf you check this option, all users with the link can download the files.
Allow comments
  • If you check this option, you will be able to communicate through the shared link.
  • If you uncheck the option, the recipient can only view your comments but will not be able to add their own.
CommentYou can leave a message in the comment section.

Case Talk details

You can see files in the shared case. The following functions are available on the Case Talk details page.

DownloadDownload all the files in the case to the local PC.
Case InformationShow detailed information about the case.
ShareModify the share setting.
QR CodeShare the case with a QR code.
Copy LinkCopy the shared link to the clipboard. The copied link shows the shared files on your web browser.
LiveShare your screen with the connected users.
The screen sharing is synchronized with the connected users.
AttendeesShow all users who are accessing the shared link.
DeleteDelete the shared link. The deleted shared link is no longer accessible.
The following services are not available on Medit Link China.
  • Live
  • Attendees

Web Viewer

You can view shared data through Case Talk in a web browser.

It is possible to communicate with the people who have access to the link using annotations and comments.

DownloadDownload all the files in this case to the PC.
Case InformationShow detailed information about the case.
ShareModify the share settings.
QR Code
Share the case with a QR code.

Share your screen with the connected users.
The screen sharing is synchronized with the connected users.

AttendeesShow all users who are connected to the shared link.
Tooth LabelingChange the teeth labeling system.
The following services are not available on Medit Link China.
  • Live
  • Attendees


You can add annotations to a specified location on the 3D model. Anyone with the link can view the annotations you add.

The following service is not available on Medit Link China.
  • Annotation
  1. Find the menu icon in the top left corner and select the "Annotation" tab. Use the “New Annotation” button to add an annotation anywhere on the data with a click.
  2. Type the message, then click “OK” to save it.
  3. You can use annotations as a simple communication channel.
    Click the created annotation to enter a reply and hit "Send."


You can communicate with users who have access to the link through the "Comment" tab in the Web Viewer menu.

The following service is not available on Medit Link China.
  • Comment

Real-time screen sharing

You can share your screen in real-time.

The following service is not available on Medit Link China.
  • Live
  1.  Click "Live" to share your Web Viewer screen with the connected users.
  2. Click "OK" to start sharing your screen.
  3. Other people who have accessed the link must accept the screen sharing.
  4. The screen of the user who initiated screen sharing is displayed in sync with the screen of the person who received the request.

Data Tree

All data is grouped and displayed according to attributes in the data tree. You can show or hide data, adjust opacity, and so on.

Data Tree Controls

Show/HideClick the 'eye' icon to show or hide data from the view. Control data visibility as a group or individual file.

Hover the mouse over a visible element to see the opacity slide bar.
Adjust the slider to change the transparency of your data.

Extended MenuThe extended menu is provided on the right side of each Data Tree element. It includes the following options:
  • Show This Only: Hide all other data except for the current one.
  • Hide: Hide the current data.

3D Model Controls

PanMove the model.
RotateRotate the model.
Zoom In/OutZoom in and out on the model.
Zoom FitPosition the model in the center of the screen.
Model Display ModeTexture OnShow data in real texture colors.
Texture OffShow data in a single color.

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