Order Box/In Box
  • 27 Nov 2023
  • 1 Хвилина на читання
  • Темно
  • PDF

Order Box/In Box

  • Темно
  • PDF

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Короткий зміст статті

The Order Box (Clinic) or In Box (Lab) shows ordered cases on the Medit Link application.

Order Details

1Show case name and patient name.
2Provide functions for order management (accepting/canceling; delivering/receiving).
3Show available tabs: Order, File Viewer
4Show functions for managing cases and files: case status, shortcuts for detailed information, case information, memo & tags, etc.
5Show the detailed information for the order including the order number, patient name, partner name, scanning date, order date, delivery date, and memo & tags.
6Show the ordered product information and delivery status.

Tabs in Order Box/In Box

OrderFile Viewer
Check the detailed information for the order, such as order ID, patient name, account name, scanning date, order date, delivery date, memo, and tags.

View files generated by scan/CAD operations.
The file viewer displays and manages the acquired or attached 3D models and 2D images.

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