User Interface
  • 07 May 2024
  • 3 Хвилина на читання
  • Темно
  • PDF

User Interface

  • Темно
  • PDF

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User Interface at a Glance


ATitle Bar
BWorkflow Steps
CGuide Message Panel
DData Tree
EAction Control Buttons
F3D Data
HSide Toolbar
IView Cube

Title Bar

The Title Bar is the ribbon at the top of the application window that contains basic controls on the right and the program menu on the left. It also shows the app name.

title_bar_1MenuManage the opened project, access available assistance resources (user guide, tutorial page, help center), and check app details and settings.
title_bar_ 2Help CenterGo to the Medit Help Center page dedicated to this app.
title_bar_ 3Select Video Record AreaSpecify which area shall be captured for video recording.
title_bar_ 4Start/Stop Video RecordingStart and stop the video recording of the screen.
title_bar_ 5ScreenshotTake a screenshot. Capture the app with or without the title bar using automatic selection, or click and drag to capture only the desired area.
title_bar_ 6Screenshot ManagerView, export, or delete the screenshots. Upon completion, all captured images will be saved to the case automatically.
title_bar_ 7MinimizeMinimize the application window.
title_bar_ 8RestoreMaximize or restore the application window.
title_bar_ 9ExitClose the application.

Data Tree

The Data Tree is located on the left side of the screen, showing the data you use for the current project in groups. You can control each data visibility by clicking its icon in the tree or change its transparency by moving its slider.

Data grouping will vary depending on the step you are working in and its goals.

Right-click the data or data group to see the context menu for more data control.


Show This OnlyDisplay only the chosen data and hide all others.
Show/HideShow or hide the chosen data.
Zoom to This DataZoom fit on the chosen data.
RenameChange the name of the data.
Note that the name of the file in Medit Link will not change.
DeleteDelete data from the Data Tree in this project.
Note that the file will not be deleted from the case in Medit Link.

Action Control Buttons

There are two buttons for action control - Undo and Redo. Both are located in the bottom left corner of the application window.

action_control_buttons_1UndoUndo the previous action.
action_control_buttons_2RedoRedo the previous action.


The Toolbox of each step provides features necessary for completing the primary goal of that step. Below are the explanations for the features provided in each Toolbox across the entire app.


import_medit_linkImport Medit Link FilesImport 3D files from Medit Link.
import_localImport Local FilesImport local files saved on your computer.
import_folderImport exocad/3Shape FolderImport an exocad or 3Shape folder.
deleteDelete DataSelect data to be deleted.

Crown Alignment

reselect_dataReassign DataChange the assignment for prepared teeth, CAD, and milled prosthesis data.
align_crown_dataAlign Crown DataAutomatically align milled prosthesis and CAD data.
align_selected_areasAlign Selected AreasPerform alignment of the milled prosthesis and CAD data only within a selected area.
detach_dataDetach DataDetach the aligned data and bring it to the original position.

Crown Fitting Test/Deviation Display

reselect_dataReassign DataChange the assignment for prepared teeth, CAD, and milled prosthesis data.
color_map_on_offColor Map On/OffTurn the Color Map on and off.
delete_measurement_resultsDelete Measurement ResultsDelete deviation measurement results by clicking on each of them.
create_sectionsCreate SectionsCreate section lines.

Data Transformation

scaleScaleSet values for the X, Y, or Z axes to scale data.


create_sectionsCreate SectionsCreate section lines.
view_perpendicularly_to_section_lineView Perpendicularly to Section LineOrient the view perpendicularly to the section line.
measure_distance_by_one_pointMeasure Distance by One PointMeasure the shortest distance to the adjacent 3D data or line.
measure_distance_by_two_pointsMeasure Distance by Two PointsMeasure the distance between two points.
measure_distance_by_three_pointsMeasure Distance by Three PointsMeasure the distance between a point and the line defined by another two points.
measure_length_by_one_pointMeasure Length by One PointMeasure the length of the section line by one point.
measure_length_by_two_pointsMeasure Length by Two PointsMeasure the length of a segment by two points.
measure_angle_by_three_pointsMeasure Angle by Three PointsMeasure the angle between the lines made with three points.
measure_angle_by_four_pointsMeasure Angle by Four PointsMeasure the angle between the lines made with four points.
calculate_area_by_one_pointCalculate Area by One PointCalculate the area of the section line by one point.
calculate_area_by_two_pointsCalculate Area by Two PointsCalculate the area of the segment by two points.
calculate_area_by_selectionCalculate Area by SelectionCalculate the selected area.
deleteDelete Measurement ResultsDelete measurement results and section lines by clicking on each of them.

Side Toolbar

The Side Toolbar provides data visualization and control tools that can be used across all workflow steps.

side_toolbar_1Data Display ModeChange between different data display options.
(Textured/Textured with Edges/Monochrome/Monochrome with Edges/Wire-Frame)
side_toolbar_2+Z Axis ViewSee the front view.
side_toolbar_3-Z Axis ViewSee the back view.
side_toolbar_4-X Axis ViewSee the left view.
side_toolbar_5+X Axis ViewSee the right view.
side_toolbar_6+Y Axis ViewSee the top view.
side_toolbar_7-Y Axis ViewSee the bottom view.
side_toolbar_8RotateRotate data by click-and-drag.

View Cube

The View Cube shows the 3D view orientation; it rotates simultaneously with the 3D data to help understand data positioning within a three-dimensional space. You can click on the visible faces of the cube to rotate data and see it from a specific viewpoint.


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