Side Toolbar Tools
  • 12 Dec 2023
  • 1 Хвилина на читання
  • Темно
  • PDF

Side Toolbar Tools

  • Темно
  • PDF

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Go to Settings > Program Preferences > Interface and enable the "Expand Model Control Icons" option to show the Pan, Zoom In/Out, and Zoom Fit icons.

Camera View Mode
Change the camera view mode between the "Dynamic View" and "Fixed View" modes.
PanMove the model.
RotateRotate the model.
Zoom In/OutZoom in and out on the model.
Zoom FitPosition the model in the center of the screen.

Model Display Mode
Texture OnApply various texture colors to the model.
Texture OffApply a single texture to the model.
Reliability MapApply red, yellow, and green colors to the model to indicate the reliability of scan data.
* Green data indicates high reliability, while red indicates poor reliability. You can perform additional scanning to reduce unreliable areas.
Texture On + Reliability Map
Assist in acquiring better results by allowing reference to the reliability map while also scanning with the texture on.
Grid Settings (mm)Grid OnShows the grid in the background.
Grid OffHide the grid in the background.
Overlay OnOverlay the grid over the model.

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