Scan the Bottom Side of Wax-Up
  • 31 May 2023
  • 1 Хвилина на читання
  • Темно
  • PDF

Scan the Bottom Side of Wax-Up

  • Темно
  • PDF

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Here is an example of a maxillary wax-up case.

  1. Select the "Wax-Up (Bottom Side)" option from the Scan Strategy and click "Next."
  2. Select only the wax-ups for which you need the inner surface aligned and click "Confirm."
  3. Start scanning the maxillary base.
  4. Then move on to the next stage to scan only prepared teeth.
  5. Move on to the Maxillary WaxUp stage and scan the data.
  6. After scanning the outer surface of the wax-up, move to the next stage.
  7. Flip the wax-up and place it on a single die before scanning.
  8. Delete the unnecessary data.
  9. Continue to scan the base and occlusion data before moving to the Align Data stage.
  10. The prepared teeth and base will be aligned automatically, and the outer surface of the wax-up and the base will also be aligned automatically.
  11. The inner and outer surfaces of the wax-up should be aligned manually.
  12.  Set up to three corresponding alignment points to align the data.
  13. The data will be aligned based on the set points.
  14. Occlusion data will also be aligned automatically.
  15. Click the "Next" button and edit the data if necessary on the Confirm stage.

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