Post and Core
  • 31 May 2023
  • 1 Хвилина на читання
  • Темно
  • PDF

Post and Core

  • Темно
  • PDF

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Here is an example of a post and core case.

  • The "Post and Core" option is available for T710, and a license is required for T500/T300.
  • The "Post and Core" option is only available when the form information contains the "Inlay/Onlay," "Veneer," and "Telescopic Crown."
  1. Select the "Post and Core" option from the Scan Strategy and click "Next."
  2. Select the teeth for the post and core scan and click "Confirm." Please note that the teeth you select must have corresponding impressions.
  3. Scan the model.
  4. Scan the prepared teeth. If you have no trimmed die, scan the model again and trim it to remove the unnecessary parts.
  5. Scan the corresponding impression.
  6. Once you move on to the Post stage, you will be asked to assign data for the teeth.
  7. After assigning the data, click "Confirm" to align the prepared teeth to the model.
  8. Align the model with the impression by clicking up to 3 alignment points on each data.
  9. The data will be aligned as follows.

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