Additional Data
  • 02 May 2024
  • 1 Хвилина на читання
  • Темно
  • PDF

Additional Data

  • Темно
  • PDF

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Короткий зміст статті

Additional Data Stage

Acquire any additional data you need for the case. You can scan patients' existing restorations, temporary restorations, etc.

You can scan the outer surface of the patient's existing prosthesis or temporary prosthesis for the case.

  1. Add the Additional Data stage from Stage Management.
  2. Click the "Additional Data Group" icon at the bottom. You can add new data and delete or rename additional data on the list in the Additional Data Management dialog.
  3. Acquire the first additional data.
  4. Click the "+" button on the Additional Data Management dialog and acquire another scan data for the added one.
  5. You can add up to seven additional data. You can also delete or rename the existing additional data from the list.
  6. You can check the added additional data in the data tree on the Overview.

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